Residential Solar Panel Systems For Melbourne Homeowners

Get a FREE No Obligation Solar Design and Quote Now.


Electrical & Battery

The Solar specialists you can trust

Chris Ramsey our General Manager has installed over 14,000 solar systems in his time on the roof himself so be assured your in the best hands in Melbourne you can be.

This image is from 2014 we have been around the industry for many years...

Residential Solar Systems Melbourne

We have installed around 4000 high quality residential solar systems using Official Bloomberg Tier One equipment helping homeowners to off set energy expenses. With the price of power dramatically increasing this has helped thousands of family's save.

Did you know with the government rebate Australia is the cheapest country in the world to purchase solar.

Fun Fact: In America a 6.6kw System can cost $20,000USD, 6x times more than a system in Australia. To Learn how you can take advantage of solar click one of the BLUE buttons to Claim your FREE solar design worth $200 today!

Solar Benefits

Tax Benefits Available

Increase You House value With Solar

$1940 and upwards Residential Rebates

$1400 Residential Rebate (up to 30kw)

$1400 Residential Loans (up to 30kw)

Buy Now Pay Later With Best Industry Rates


6.5kw Solar System

20.8kw Average Daily

7592 Average Annually

2125.76 Maximum Savings Annually

Based on 0.28c/kwh & 3.2 average sunlight hrs.

13 x 500W solar panels

Custom Solar Design to suit the property no problem. If there is a way, we'll do it! 🧐

Ramselec Solar Installing an inverter

"Our attention to detail is shown through our passion for the industry's standards.

We understand that these solar systems are part of somebody's home so we pride ourselves in making sure each and every component is installed to the highest standard and as neat as possible."

- Chris Ramsey (Director)


15kw Solar System

48kw Average Daily

17,520kw Average Annually

4905.6 Maximum Savings Annually

Based on 0.28c/kwh & 3.2 average sunlight hrs.

Hyundai Solar Panels


6.6kw Solar System

21.12kw Average Daily

7709kw Average Annually

2159 Maximum Savings Annually

Based on 0.28c/kwh & 3.2 average sunlight hrs.

Campberwell Home

15kw Solar System

48kw Average Daily

17,520kw Average Annually

4905.6 Maximum Savings Annually

Based on 0.28c/kwh & 3.2 average sunlight hrs.


6.6kw Solar System

21.12kw Average Daily

7709kw Average Annually

2159 Maximum Savings Annually

How about an Australian made Solar Package?

MILN INVERTER made from the Australian Defense Force.

Mixed with some Tindo Solar Panels the only Australian made panels there are.

Why Ramselec Solar is one of the highest recommended solar companies in Victoria, Australia...

Contact Ramselec Solar Directly...

1300 495 322

326 Settlement Rd, Thomastown, Victoria , 3074

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